prices are variable depending on size and breed of your dog, the condition and styling required
please contact us you will be pleasantly surprised
Grooming procedures
Clipping and scissoring
Scissors or clippers or a combination of both can be used to achieve a beautiful finish which will make your dog look stylish and be easier for you to look after.
With this technique dead topcoat is taken out to allow the new hair to grow through, thus ensuring that the colour and texture of the hair is retained. This is the correct way to look after wire coated breeds. Spaniels and setters can also have dead coat removed in this way.
Dogs that shed excessively, Labradors, Retrievers, Dalmations, Rottweilers etc. will benefit by having their loose coat removed, reducing the amount of hair deposited around your home carpets and clothing also your hoover will appreciate it too.
Matted Dogs
As a general rule we will not dematt badly matted dogs. It is unkind and unfair and the end result would look awful. We will however give these guys a makeover by clipping the matted coat off providing both dog and owner with a fresh start.
Nail Cutting
Some dogs will never need to have their nails cut, whilst others seem to grow at such a rate that they need clipping every 5-6 weeks. walking your dog regurly on hard surfaces will naturaly keep their nails short.
Ear Cleaning & Plucking
Ear care is very important - so we will gently remove wax and dirt with special cleaners. Breeds that grow big coats also tend to have hairy ear canals this includes Poodles, Old English Sheepdogs, Lhasas, Schnauzers etc. This needs to be removed. We do this by applying a small amount of special powder to dry the hair and then remove a few hairs at a time with finger and thumb.
After the grooming
all work undertaken will be fully documented. Any health concerns i.e, skin complaints ear infections, will be highlighted to the owner at the time of collection.
grooming services in Swansea
We use a range of high quality, professional shampoos and conditioners designed to care for every coat and skin type and to treat for fleas. As well as traditional bathing we also use a pumped bathing system that is eco-friendly and uses less water and less shampoo whilst deep cleaning the coat by gentle massage and releasing dead hair. your dogs coat is then rinsed with clean warm water. Anal glands if required are emptied whilst your dog is in the bath.
The drying process usually starts with a high velocity dryer that removes excess water and all loose hair. Then depending on coat type and hair length and your dogs preference we will gently use hand held dryers around the face area